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I started playing this and it's super impressive! Especially for using mostly or all stock assets. Wow, you're very good at what you do! :)

Thank you so much HitherYon Games for the kind words! <3 ^^ I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the game as it is with the stock assets for this jam!! :D

This battle ends all status removed at poison, and it can be fixed to remove to battle end or not

Why was this text window missing status can you fit it? This poison loss of regeneration is 10% each turn. There is a text note to all states that is very important.

<Help Description>

Loss of HP regeneration by 10% each turn.

</Help Description>

<Negative State>

Hello JohnmmailS117! Oh ! I think you mean the states descriptions? Oh my! I may have overlooked that haven't I? Thanks for the reminders! I can make a quick update and add it in! <3

I made a quick update now to add state descriptions! :D Just copy your save over to the new build! ^^


Omgggg is that emojis

Emojis is life xD